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How to Let Go of Anger after a Divorce

According to the American Psychological Association, about half of all marriages end in divorce. Disagreements concerning the division of assets, spousal support, child support, child custody, and so on, can become painful, messy, long and drawn out, pushing the couple further apart.

Find closure and get over lingering feelings of resentment through divorce recovery.

Find An Outlet

Everyone needs someone they can vent to without feeling judged. Keeping all those negative feelings inside you will only poison your spirit and might even take on the form of a mental health issue further down the line.

Give your anger an avenue by:

  • Letting it all out in a journal entry.
  • Discussing it with a close confidant or relationship coach.

Be Objective in the Aftermath

We know how easy it is to lay all the blame on your ex-spouse for the breakdown of your relationship, just as we understand how hard it can be to admit the extent of your responsibility in the separation.

However, you can’t start your healing process without admitting how much of it was your fault. Post-breakup growth can only happen when know what you need to work on, to not repeat the same thing in a new relationship.

A Document Titled “Divorce” Placed on a Wooden Tabletop with a Wedding Band Placed Upon it

Empathize with Your Ex

Like it or not, you’re both in the same boat, meaning you and your ex now have a failed marriage in your list of failures. Comfort might come from the unlikeliest places during a divorce, and in some cases, it may just lie with the source of the upheaval.

So, summon all your compassion and put yourself in your ex’s shoes. They might be scared of losing primary custody or never finding love again. By finding common ground in misery, you might run out of reasons to be angry. On the other hand, your ex may realize that you’re still partners in parenthood and show a desire to work with you to reach a favorable custodial arrangement.

Pursue Divorce Coaching and Therapy in San Diego, CA

Freda R. Wilson gives personal, spiritual, and relationship coaching to struggling couples and one-on-one coaching sessions for anyone dealing with depression and anger resulting from a divorce.

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