
Freda’s insight for relationships has been very instrumental in helping me correct mistakes I’ve made in my past relationships.  Her webinars/workshops and the approach she uses when coach clients has helped me in many areas of my life from being equally yoked, sexual compatibility, religious practices, desires for children etc…. She helped me revisit instances in my life when I settled for what I thought I wanted until I realized it wasn’t what God had for me. I can see it in hindsight, but her training made me take a hard look at that trend in my relationships and ask myself why…?

I attended one of Freda’s webinars on relationships and it was a great reminder for couples to remember what brought them together in the beginning, to rekindle the old passion and to keep the lines of communication open.

Freda gives so much invaluable information to apply and use in preparing to build a lifelong healthy relationship. Helping us identify & understand our needs, desires and emotional needs when selecting a partner. I like how Freda uses relationship and life inventories with her clients and why they are a vital part of preparing for a life long relationship, as they help you uncover some unhealthy, repeated behavior, find out many things as far back as childhood that you may have carried into your adult life.   The tools and techniques she uses are phenomenal, in building a happy,  healthy, lifelong relationship.
